B. inggris


buatlah descriptive text tentang cuaca di indonesia

1 Jawaban

  • Air temperature is measured with a thermometer. The average air temperature in Indonesia is high, which is 28 ° C. The highest air temperature reached 34 ° C and occurred at 15:00. The lowest air temperature around 23 ° C occurred at 06.00. The temperature of the air in one place is different from the other.

    weather is a phenomenon or change occurring in a particular region indicating a change in natural activity such as rain, sun, or overcast. The time period in estimating these weather changes is shorter than climate determination. While the climate is a state in the long term that describes the weather conditions of a region. In the field of climate change meteorology that occurred studied in detail. Indonesia is located around the equator, so Indonesia has tropical climate. We will discuss in more depth the weather and climate in Indonesia. The elements of weather that are often observed and measured are air temperature, humidity, wind, and rainfall

    moga membantu ya :)

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